Bull Breed. 52. 4. A. See Note 1 International ID The International ID as designated by Interbull has the following format Defect Codes The following defect codes indicate whether an animal has tested positive or negative for the
INTERBULL Open Mtg., Vienna, 28-29 August 1997, Bull. 16, pp. 59-65. 5. Prediction of 305-day milk yield from a limited number of test-days using a test- day
Breed + Country + Sex + Identification number. The field ‘Breed‘ of the AIID refers to the breed of identification of the animal in its country of first registration (in most cases, the country of origin): 3 characters as defined in the Interbull Breed Codes, available at www.interbull.org (see Reference section). The record sent to the Interbull Centre contains information that determines whether the bull is included in Interbull evaluations. The two key variables are the codes for status of bull and type of proof: Status of bull: 00 = Unknown.
Name GJ Vater Land RZG RZ e RZM RZE RZN RZR RZKm RZKd RZGes KFit ToeALL ToeDE SI M-kg F-% F-kg E-% E-kg Mch Koe Fun Eut 1 HOLDEUM001501387474 811577 Semino 2016 Silver DEU 159 2435 148 gM 125 133 107 100 91 121 116 696 … How to use NAV Interbull Search. With the NAV Interbull Search you can find top lists and search for all AI bulls that have official international breeding values from Interbull on a Nordic scale. Interbull evaluations are available for Red dairy cattle (RDC), Holstein (including Red Holstein) and Jersey. American Breed : AF: Africander : AK: Ankina : AM: Amerifax : AN: Angus : AR: Red Angus : AW: Ankolewatusi : BA: Barzone : BB: Belgian Blue : BD: Blonde d Aquitaine : BE: Beefalo Data sources are published Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding or INTERBULL genetic evalutations for productrion and USA breed association genetic evaluations for linear traits and type. Limited Liability: Sources of data in this web application are based on data from various sources.
code breed description canine breeds pem corgi, pembroke welsh dcl dachshund, longhair dsm dachshund, miniature dsc dachshund, smooth dcw dachshund, wirehaired dal dalmatian dob doberman pinscher ddb dogue de bordeaux esk eskimo, american fil fila brasileiro fha
Name GJ Vater Land RZGRZM RZE RZS RZN RZR RZKm ToeALL ToeDE SI Milch F% Fett E% Eiw Mch Koe Fun Eut No. 51 (2017): Proceedings of the 2017 Interbull Meeting / Articles Genomics in small populations: the MRY breed Authors. Marianne Stoop CRV BV Gosse Veninga CRV BV Gerben de Jong CRV BV Fritz Reinhardt VIT Keywords: genomics, validation, MRY breed code breed description canine breeds pem corgi, pembroke welsh dcl dachshund, longhair dsm dachshund, miniature dsc dachshund, smooth dcw dachshund, wirehaired dal dalmatian dob doberman pinscher ddb dogue de bordeaux esk eskimo, american fil fila brasileiro fha No. 53 (2018): Proceedings of the 2018 Interbull meeting / Articles Alternative use of Somatic Cells Counts in genetic selection for mastitis resistance: a new estimated breeding value for Italian Holstein breed Interbull name -- RDC HOL JER " -- ARG AUS AUT BEL BRA CAN CHE CZE DEU DNK ESP EST FIN FRA GBR HRV HUN IRL ISR ITA JPN KOR LTU LUX LVA NLD NOR NZL POL PRT SVK SVN SWE URY USA ZAF Born: 12/19/07 Reg. No: 64188829 99% RHA-I : Classification Score: NA Sampling Code: DMS: 561,13 aAa: 561 BetaCasein: A1A2 KappaCasein: AB Sire: END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Dam: WILRA RAMOS 599-ET 1-10 3x 305d 26,110m 4.3 1117f 2.9 756p lbs.
BREED CODE AND BRITISH FRIESIAN GENETIC BASE (October 2003) has been drawn up to cover application of Breed code, type analysis and Interbull
Limited Liability: Sources of data in this web application are based on data from various sources. Efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy. Steering committee. The Interbull subcommittee has its mandate described in the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedures for Interbull Committees.
The Interbull subcommittee has its mandate described in the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedures for Interbull Committees. The current ICAR appointed steering committee of Interbull is listed in the table below : Name. Contact. Matthew Shaffer (Chairman) DataGene. AgriBio.
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» Service Portal » Service documentation » Additional documentation » ICAR Breed codes. Open this page in a new window/tab. 2021 ICAR-Interbull meeting: scientific program is ready!
Genomic breed composition was estimated from 60 671 markers using the known breeds of daughter-proven Holstein, Jersey, Brown Swiss and Ayrshire bulls as the four traits (breed fractions) to be predicted.
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Interbull - Topliste RZG Rasse: Holstein Rotbunt ZWS Termin: 07.04.2021 Toechter basiert Deutsche Holsteins Interbull - Toplist RZG Breed: German Red Holsteins Date of Evaluation: 07.04.2021 daughter proven AI bulls Rg Interbull-ID HB-Nr. Name GJ Vater Land RZG RZe RZM RZE RZN RZR RZKm RZKd RZGes KFit ToeALL ToeDE SI M-kg F-% F-kg E-% E-kg Mch
These evaluations are considered official by BSCBA and should be recognized as such. NAV Interbull search? NAV Bull search. Search parameters.
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(1) The 3-letters breed codes are assigned by Interbull Centre, any requests for a new 3-letters breed codes should be sent to interbull at slu.se (2) These breed codes does not apply to the identification of breeds in the international genetic evaluations offered by Interbull, but ONLY to the identification of semen straws for international trade.
Lactating cow ability to conceive (1) fert. cc2. Lactating cow ability to conceive (2) work. msp. Milking speed. work.
Breeding Value = Sire's Transmitting Ability + Dam's Transmitting Ability of the codes used for scoring this trait as well as their frequency within the Holstein breed. by INTERBULL to estimate how sires from other countri
Name GJ Vater Land RZGRZM RZE RZS RZN RZR RZKm ToeALL ToeDE SI Milch F% Fett E% Eiw Mch Koe Fun Eut Interbull namn -- RDC HOL JER " -- ARG AUS AUT BEL BRA CAN CHE CZE DEU DNK ESP EST FIN FRA GBR HRV HUN IRL ISR ITA JPN KOR LTU LUX LVA NLD NOR NZL POL PRT SVK SVN SWE URY USA ZAF Interbull - Relativzuchtwerte (Rangierung RZG)-Rasse: Schwarzbunt ZWS Termin: 08.08.2017 nur genomisch Interbull - Results, Production traits (ranked by RZG)-Breed: German Holsteins Date of Evaluation: 08/08/2017 genomics only Rg Interbull-ID HB-Nr. Name GJ Vater Land RZGRZM RZE RZS RZN RZR RZKm ToeALL ToeDE SI Milch F% Fett E% Eiw Mch Koe Fun Eut in early 2020 on the CDCB website. My main research focus was examining the breed composition of DHI herds from 1990 to 2018 to determine changes in the U.S. dairy population. This research was presented in June 2019 at the Interbull annual meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio (presentation here). The breed composition of the U.S. dairy herd has been Interbull - Relativzuchtwerte (Rangierung RZG)-Rasse: Rotbunt ZWS Termin: 06.12.2016 nur genomisch Interbull - Results, Production traits (ranked by RZG)-Breed: German Red Holsteins Date of Evaluation: 12/06/2016 genomics only Rg Interbull-ID HB-Nr. Name GJ Vater Land RZGRZM RZE RZS RZN RZR RZKm ToeALL ToeDE SI Milch F% Fett E% Eiw Mch Koe Fun Eut No. 51 (2017): Proceedings of the 2017 Interbull Meeting / Articles Genomics in small populations: the MRY breed Authors. Marianne Stoop CRV BV Gosse Veninga CRV BV Gerben de Jong CRV BV Fritz Reinhardt VIT Keywords: genomics, validation, MRY breed code breed description canine breeds pem corgi, pembroke welsh dcl dachshund, longhair dsm dachshund, miniature dsc dachshund, smooth dcw dachshund, wirehaired dal dalmatian dob doberman pinscher ddb dogue de bordeaux esk eskimo, american fil fila brasileiro fha No. 53 (2018): Proceedings of the 2018 Interbull meeting / Articles Alternative use of Somatic Cells Counts in genetic selection for mastitis resistance: a new estimated breeding value for Italian Holstein breed Interbull name -- RDC HOL JER " -- ARG AUS AUT BEL BRA CAN CHE CZE DEU DNK ESP EST FIN FRA GBR HRV HUN IRL ISR ITA JPN KOR LTU LUX LVA NLD NOR NZL POL PRT SVK SVN SWE URY USA ZAF Born: 12/19/07 Reg. No: 64188829 99% RHA-I : Classification Score: NA Sampling Code: DMS: 561,13 aAa: 561 BetaCasein: A1A2 KappaCasein: AB Sire: END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Dam: WILRA RAMOS 599-ET 1-10 3x 305d 26,110m 4.3 1117f 2.9 756p lbs.
and breed) at a certain price, depending on the country and the markets to be transport of horses to sit alongside similar codes developed for the cattle and pig internationella avelsvärderingen utfördes av Interbull i november 2004 [5].